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We help you to find out the proper amount require for your life insurance and General insurance requirement on the basis of scientific study of your requirement.


What :

 Insurance planning is necessary to find out the correct requirement of the insurance for the risk we would like to cover. To cover the risk of death we require you to take the term insurance and to find out the correct sum of term insurance you are required to take the help of a financial advisor. The same way  we require planning for medical expenditure, permanent disability, or accident. We are also required to plan to safeguard our  assets against risk of theft, accident, fire, earthquake etc.

Why :

The term insurance is required to protect our income and to give financial security for our dependent in case of death. The general insurance is required to meet medical expenses, and to safeguard our asset from fire types of the risks.

Value Addition :

We suggest the right kind of policy with appropriate amount of insurance after understanding the client need and various inclusion and exclusion of the policy terms . We believe insurance is expenses and it should not be overspend or underspend . We believe insurance and Investment should not be clubbed and Life insurance is not an investment product , sufficient insurance by way of Term insurance is the first step of the Financial journey of our client .

Investment Suitability Profiling

Tax Planning

Estate Planning

Asset Allocation

Goal Based Investment Products Offering

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